This still presents a problem in that Malevolence fleets often don’t call a second or third reinforcement. Fire the Ion Cannon! If you’re going to use Hound’s Tooth in this fleet you’ll probably want to put him on the frontline to fulfil a similar role to Sun Fac, stalling the match out. IG-2000 is like the Bistan of a Malevolence fleet. Good ol’ Rebels. On the frontline you need him to be able to survive a lot of high damage, so Relic 5 or better is recommended. There are some important things about Vulture Droids to make note of: Vulture Droids do not count as reinforcements when summoned. Only Separatists are called to assist with Geonosian Spy’s special ability. You should aim to have at least one other Separatist ship on the frontline beside Hyena. It is one of two ships available from the Guild Events Store for Guild Event Tokens MkII, the other being the Negotiator. He provides for a Malevolence fleet the same thing he provides for every other fleet, the best plug and play ship in the game. Any fleet can make do with a G12 Hound’s Tooth, but he’s much more painful to deal with the stronger he is. Reasons not to use ships that aren’t Droids or Separatists. A high offense output variation of the Malevolence fleet, this lineup utilises Anakin’s speed and damage output behind two strong tanks to try and whittle down the opponent quickly, before it can build up momentum. Be sure to also check out his Discord server and join the discussion on everything Star Wars. Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Malevolence summons a Vulture Droid whenever it uses one of its three special abilities, if there is space on the battlefield. The optimal Malevolence fleet. So here’s the main reasons to avoid using too many non-separatist or droid ships: They don’t gain Overcharge by using basic attacks, decreasing the overall offense and defense of the fleet and decreasing the amount of damage that Mal’s AoE puts out. 8. Buzz Droids can be dispelled, however, due to Vulture Droid’s unique ability Swarming Terror, if an enemy's Buzz Droids are dispelled that enemy will be inflicted with Ability Block, which cannot be resisted. Sun Fac is an excellent tank with high versatility in a Malevolence fleet. 7. It’s useful to note that Hyena Bomber will cleanse the lowest health Separatist ally of debuffs when it uses its basic attack. At this point you have to weigh the value of having another separatist droid ship on the board against bringing in a second reinforcement and what that reinforcement has to offer. A solid fleet that’s becoming more popular thanks to the introduction of Sith Eternal Emperor to the game. It’s quite RNG reliant, but less so with a tanky frontline. So if you don’t have a ship to place in a later slot as a reinforcement, or you aren’t able to use a more optimal ship, Soldier can still be effective. So please use these suggestions as guidelines, not hard rules. Summoned Vulture Droids also do not inflict Buff Immunity with their special ability. Able to tank absurd amounts of damage, especially once relic’d, and gains turn meter when allies are attacked. They don’t get +50% crit avoidance from Malevolence, which can be a death sentence against high crit fleets like Rebels. I recommend G11 or higher mostly because Plo is easy to gear and its nice for him to be able to take a couple of hits, but really as long as you can max out his reinforcement ability he’s good enough to use. However Malevolence and the two Separatist Droid ships provide a lot of synergy to Separatists and Droids, which needs to be considered when thinking about utilising other ships. The triple tank lineup. I find that Vulture Droid is the preferable option, as a new Vulture Droid is summoned immediately and Malevolence gains 30% turn meter. Often you will finish the match without ever bringing in your second, third or fourth reinforcements. Whenever Malevolence calls in a reinforcement, that ship will gain a stack of Overcharge too. It’s important to note that the effects of Buzz Droids do not stack with each other, so even if a ship has 3 Buzz Droids, it will still only have a 50% penalty to defense and lose only 5% max health, tripled when Malevolence is your capital ship of course. It doesn’t spike particularly high, and you won’t have many wins where you blast through your opponent in record time thanks to good RNG. Frontline: Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter, Hyena Bomber and Sun Fac/Hound’s Tooth, Reinforcements: Vulture Droid, Han’s Millennium Falcon and Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter. But as a reinforcement he’s less likely to be burst down before he has a chance to be useful, so G12 should do fine. Soldier is more of an option if you try and run a Geonosian heavy lineup, with Sun Fac on the frontline and Spy as first reinforcement. A great offense fleet, especially against Malevolence. They don’t give Hyena Bomber extra defense. The way you should expect a battle with Malevolence to play out against a Negotiator fleet, is a battle of attrition. A lot of ships don’t really need the above bonuses to be strong, but having too many ships that remove Buzz Droids and don’t call Vulture Droids to assist on their attacks can heavily impair your damage output, and not having enough passive defense bonuses for Hyena is also a big loss that can make you lose your tankiest ship, which can spell doom for a Malevolence fleet. However they also gain small stat increases from upgrading their abilities too. On the frontline the Vulture Droid serves well to draw fire from enemy ships to shield other ships like IG-2000, who need to be protected. Of course, just like Empire, Finalizer and Rebels, you do need high relic pilots to pull off the best that the Raddus fleet has to offer (you also need Hound’s Tooth, making Raddus the only fleet that still needs the ship). Below are the strongest and most commonly used variants of each fleet. This lineup benefits greatly from Han’s Falcon cheese. Higher gear means higher damage output and survivability, but neither is essential for the role he fills. There’s a lot of ships that feel like they could provide something useful to the Malevolence fleet. "2020, aÑo de la pluriculturalidad de los pueblos indÍgenas y afromexicano" siguenos: This fleet is quite reliable. You usually reach your first reinforcement call with room for only one more ship on the board. Negotiator fleets have huge damage output and speed, so they usually gain the initial advantage in battle, sometimes even destroying one of the ships on your frontline before you can get to your first reinforcement. Since the Falcon can make itself un-targetable, it can force your opponent to attack your Vulture Droids, giving Malevolence turn meter and allowing it to flood the board with more Vulture Droids and get to its ultimate ability faster. Last updated: This will increase your chance on success big time. Recommended ship strength and upgrade priority. The most common Malevolence variant. It also has a poor reinforcement ability. Isn’t so great on defense against mirrors as Ahsoka can be quickly dispatched if you lose the speed coin flip. It’s also very useful for facing Negotiator fleets that use Ahsoka, Y-Wing and JKA on the frontline, as it can allow you to keep your Vulture Droid alive long enough to put Buff Immunity on the enemy Y-Wing, which is immensely helpful to winning. It’s probably the most solid variation of the Malevolence fleet, as Hound’s Tooth can hold your frontline together quite well and help you sustain until you reach the Ion Cannon. Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter | Hyena Bomber | Hound’s Tooth | Vulture Droid | Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter | IG-2000/Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter/Ebon Hawk/Cassian’s U-Wing | Geonosian Soldier’s Starfighter/Han’s Millennium Falcon/Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter/TIE Bomber. (4) IG-2000 G12+, or R5+ if used on the frontline. He has the separatist tag, so he gains that crit avoidance from Malevolence and also triggers Vulture Droid assists on targets with Buzz Droids. Malevolence is the powerhouse that makes Separatist fleets as strong as they are. For its mass buff strip reinforcement ability, Also for its mass buff strip reinforcement ability as well as its targeted assist call, For its synergy with Breach and the other two Bounty Hunter ships that get used in the fleet, For its mass cleanse and protection up, as well as the +25% defense it provides all allies, 6. This is especially helpful since Hyena has so much survivability. Vulture Droid, Hyena Bomber and BTL-B Y-Wing, as pilotless ships, derive most of their stats from their level and stars. It can work well against both Rebel and Negotiator fleets. This can be very helpful if your Vulture Droids have been dazed. If you’re using Sun Fac on your frontline you definitely want Relic 3 or higher. ability, An ultimate ability on a five turn cooldown from the start of battle. So an enemy afflicted with any Buzz Droids will have -150% defense and lose 15% of its max health at the start of its turn. He auto-taunts, can provide lots of stuns, and has the separatist tag. Keeping you at 4 or 5 ships. But the greatest strengths that Spy brings to the battlefield are his reinforcement ability, which applies a forced taunt debuff to both the target enemy and a random other enemy, and the only mass assist in fleet currently. My strategy vs. the 6* Negotiators on my shard with G10 zGG, G12 Geos, 6* Hyena, 7* VD. As a reinforcement he provides an irresistible stun, which can be helpful for keeping Hound’s Tooth from self cleansing Buzz Droids, or for controlling high damage enemies. If any ally has a stack of Overcharge, whenever a Separatist or Droid ally uses a basic ability it will also gain a stack of Overcharge. IG-2000 is a shoe in for the Malevolence fleet with its Droid synergy. Ignore Hound’s Tooth wherever you can, or if you do get stuck behind the tanky bounty hunter ship, burst it down as quickly as possible. A full GR frontline makes the fleet very fast thanks to more Valor being distributed. Unfortunately it’s common knowledge that Finalizer hard counters it, so using it on defense is no longer as effective as it used to be. These summoned Vulture Droids are slightly weaker (depending on Malevolence’s strength) and cannot inflict Buff Immunity with their special ability. Malevolence fleets are essentially 4 or 5 ship fleets. Relic 3 or better will cause your opponents some difficulty. The Vulture Droid becomes powerful in large part for all the synergy it has with Malevolence, since it is both a Droid and a Separatist, and is uniquely written into Malevolence’s Kit. Mods Advisor; Credit Heist History; Bot Documentation;; About; 26 March 2018 / Info & Stats The Everyman’s Guide to Fleet Arena - 25th March 2018 . Your Vulture Droid is important to star up as quickly as possible for the stat bonuses it brings, but a lower star Vulture Droid won’t be as detrimental to your fleet as a low star Hyena or Malevolence.
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