It is great for stress relief and drinking a cup of peppermint tea can relax your mind and get rid of pent up stress that is damaging to your mental and physical stress especially during pregnancy. Never make your own herbal tea from plants you've collected while you're pregnant or breastfeeding. I was actually given a box of peppermint tea last pregnancy--didn't use it b/c not big tea drinker. Therefore, herbal teas are considered to be a safer option during pregnancy. Studies have shown it doesn’t harm the mother or baby, although you should … Teas made from herbs like peppermint and thyme may be safe to drink occasionally in small amounts while you're pregnant or nursing. Peppermint and spearmint tea are often used to ease morning sickness and indigestion during pregnancy. Peppermint tea is an herbal tea, which means that it is naturally caffeine free and can be enjoyed without the... Side Effects. Taken in excess, both peppermint and … I know b/c I drank it several times a day for several weeks.I think it … Benefits. These mint teas also help with nausea and vomiting, which is common in early pregnancy. Is Peppermint Tea Safe in Early Pregnancy? The menthol it contains can cause a choking sensation in this age group. While pregnant, be … It also tends to be more palatable to those with a queasy stomach and is believed to help with morning sickness. While peppermint tea is safe for adults, never give it to babies or very young children. They’re great to help settle an upset stomach. Large amounts of some herbs such as peppermint and red raspberry leaf are thought to cause contractions and increase the risk of preterm labor. Avoid this tea if you have heartburn or acid reflux since it can make your symptoms worse. As with all other supplements and dietary items, moderation in consumption is of key importance here. Peppermint tea: Peppermint is one of the most commonly used herbal medicines in pregnancy. Dosage. Spearmint and peppermint tea during pregnancy is great for relaxing your stomach muscles. However, if you have GERD, avoid peppermint. Spearmint is preferred to peppermint tea as it doesn’t increase reflux (as peppermint can). But drinking excessive amounts of any tea can cause health problems for you and your developing baby. Yea, I've never heard anything about that. Peppermint tea is generally safe to drink during pregnancy. Peppermint tea is particularly useful for relieving nausea, upset stomachs, morning sickness, and dizziness during pregnancy. Large amounts of some herbs may possibly start contractions and increase your risk of preterm labour, or they may affect your baby. Peppermint tea can also help you sleep better which is very important during pregnancy. Also, remember to limit mint tea consumption to 2 or 3 cups a day. Pregnant women can enjoy a wide range of benefits with the regular use of peppermint tea and essential oils for pregnancy, yet many are so afraid of the supposed side-effects, they avoid it like the plague! A 2004 article published in the Complementary Therapies in … I actually did drink Raspberry leaf tea and it DID NOT cause contractions. The herbs in teas are more concentrated than in food, so drinking them may be harmful even if eating them isn't. Whether or not you’re pregnant, peppermint tea can worsen gastro-esophageal reflux syndrome (GERD) and may promote flow of bile from the gall bladder and aggravate gallstone symptoms. Peppermint Leaf Tea: This herbal tea is widely believed to be safe during pregnancy. Generally, one cup of tea including milk tea, white tea, black tea, oolong or green tea contains about 40 to 50mg of caffeine whereas herbal teas contain negligible amounts of caffeine .
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