See also Dead / Death, section (4). (4) Sea may symbolize creative potential. Mystic Dream Book, In certain religions, spiritual ecstasy is induced by jumping. The Element Encyclopedia, Type of covering for a figurative marriage; see “marriage”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Degradation which comes from the degeneracy of spiritual neglect... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Dreams of a venereal disease signify sexual guilt, blame, shame, and that you are out of touch with your innocence and sexual beauty.... Strangest Dream Explanations, In a dream this can suggest awareness of some kind of contamination. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. Dreams of a seal signify that you are learning your life lessons through joy and laughter. If the top half of your body is missing, this indicates lack of reasoning and emotional intelligence. Feelings of being out of control, at the mercy of fate or the person driving. I remember the words “The sea is a great solvent” (Tim P). The Big Dictionary of Dreams, Purging and getting rid of a sickening situation or condition in the dreamer’s life can be indicated by this dream symbol.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia. 1. Perhaps this dream is showing you that you are too wrapped up in the drama of your life.... Strangest Dream Explanations. 4. If another person is unwell in your dream and you recognize them, you may either harbor negative feelings towards that particular person or fear for their emotional health. The Element Encyclopedia, Scavengers/people who take from you without returning anything.... Expansions Dream Dictionary, These birds are the guardian messengers of the shoreline, the symbolic realm where the unconscious and the conscious minds meet. If the searchlight is trained on us, we need to consider our actions and behaviour. In dreams, indigestion suggests an idea or attitude that does not agree with you or which you are finding hard to stomach in waking life; it may be something you have taken in, or upon, yourself that you did not realize was toxic when you welcomed it. Marks on the body in a dream suggest things you carry with you in life, or experiences that have marked you. If water overwhelms you, you are likely to feel overwhelmed by emotions. You are strategically networking. In this case your dream may be drawing your attention to (the need for) some remedy for an imbalance in your psyche caused, for example, by insufficient assertiveness. See also Introduction, pages 8-10.... A Dictionary of Dream Symbols, It is the boundless freedom and yet comforting sweetness of the mother’s womb. Searching What you seek in the dream can be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. See Searching and Keyword.... Strangest Dream Explanations, Dreams of a search engine denote that you are wanting to find or be found, noticed, or recognized. If this is the case, you need to assess how best to manage your feelings and put them into context. Consider the word you typed into the search bar to be a clue toward what your subconscious mind is wanting you to find. Complete Dictionary of Dreams, Dreams of a sea-serpent symbolize the fear that unlocking your sexual desire will be unsafe, dangerous, or painful. Sitting in close proximity to someone is an indication of intimacy, either emotional, physical or both.... Strangest Dream Explanations, To visit towns on the shores of this Sea, indicates prosperity in the future. If one jumps over a wall in a dream, it means that he will change from a believer into a disbeliever or follow the advice of a disbeliever. See Animals.... Psycho Dream Interpretation, Seal of approval; identity. There is an aspect of inner knowledge and inner wisdom that you are diving into. Common Sea Dreams. Likewise, cancer patient often dream of issues related to contamination or poisoning. The Dream Books Symbols. Dreams of a séance signify your connection with deceased loved ones, revealing you that you are capable of communicating with spirits in other realms. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, (2) If the diseased person in the dream is you, the dream may be referring to an actual physical illness, or to some psychological disease or inner conflict.... A Dictionary of Dream Symbols, If you have this kind of dream, the African belief recommends you visit the healer. ... New American Dream Dictionary, If you find yourself scanning the horizon looking for a boat, you may be worried about not reaching some aspiration or desire. Unity. When we will to speak or move, uncon­scious physical and psychological impulses and processes oc­cur to produce the response. It also speaks of being under a curse as this Scripture indicates: • Deuteronomy 28:60 Moreover he will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they will cleave to you. Perhaps you are sick of a job, a relationship or a situation in waking life. Spring: A new beginning, refreshed hope, and the first signs of progress or growth with regard to a specific circumstance. Mystic Dream Book. The sea can be symbolic of many nations and people groups, Ps. Going under the sea: bringing internal contents to con­sciousness; remembering the womb expenence; letting our ego surrender a little, looking at death. If one jumps over a wall in a dream, it means that he will change from a believer into a disbeliever or follow the advice of a disbeliever. Psychologically, therefore, the sea may symbolize the existence, within your psyche, of potential - the latent raw materials - for the creation of your true and total self. If you are trying to save other people in a shipwreck, you need to think about what these people represent to you. If you have dreamed about a dolphin jumping in water, it is a sign of your good health and vitality. The state of the sea you dream of is significant. The Big Dictionary of Dreams, 3. We are each the drops that form part of it. So often the dreamer never quite sees or reaches the dream figure.... Psycho Dream Interpretation, İmplying a search will be made; an unwelcome search is a warning+b161... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Focused attention; concentration; insight. 4. 2. Must be diagnosed to confirm whether literal or figurative, physical or spiritual; substitutions are possible; see “diagnosis”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, 1. It has also been suggested that a man breaking a seal in a woman’s dream suggests that she will lose her virginity or purity at some level. ... New American Dream Dictionary. In particular, catching a white fish in your dream means that you may be questioning your spiritual beliefs. Prosperity is predicted by a dream featuring seals ( cm* their fur), unless you killed them, in which case you can expect a season of hard going as far as busi- ness is concerned. • Jumping but staying late in that jump till withering away: Will die. For some sea creatures, a type of annor that also becomes a home when necessary. Ifone falls into a river and ifhe is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick. Tim is aware of his unconscious sense of being a pan of the huge sea of life or energy. Dreams of nature may also reflect your sense of being grounded or connected to Mother Earth. This dream depends entirely upon circumstances. It can be interpreted as a repressed sexual desire, or the intention—not yet revealed—to procreate. It may also mean that your conscious ego needs to submit to your unconscious for a while, for the further enrichment and development of your personality. You are exploring a new perspective in life. In the earliest religions, nature was thought to be alive with a multitude of spirits. Complete Dictionary of Dreams, Symbolic of a demonic entity or attack on your life, Ps. To dream of a sea horse signifies the strength of your instinct and intuition. If you jump up, the image symbolizes your desire to rise up and reach a better social or professional position. ... New American Dream Dictionary, (Also see Dates)... Islamic Dream Interpretation. You may have eagerly handed over control of your life to somebody else, but are now resenting them for it.... Dream Symbols and Analysis, Being set aside to wait... Dream Dictionary Unlimited. 2. 3. Dreams of a love seat represent flirtation and romance. To be searching in a dream is an attempt to find an answer to a problem. Unconscious thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and hopes are at home here and are now beginning to surface and become conscious. What all age-groups are likely to be in quest of is love; but the kind of love may differ: for some it will be casual sexual encounters; for others, romantic ‘true love’; for others, mystical union with all things.
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