That’s not the feel I got from the working class people, but I’m guessing you were hobnobbing with people who had less reason to lack content with “their station.”, So defending socialism on its successes is forbidden. When someone tries to trigger you by insulting you or by doing or saying something that irritates you, take a deep breath and switch off your ego. Tell us, What is the income tax rate in Ireland? If you fight fire with fire, you just get more fire. Sagira: You know, I can't help but notice that even with all of reality to explore, you keep picking the places where they shoot at us! Opposing this writer’s amorphous “socialism” is like opposing “religion.”, He says its on a spectrum. When at rest the air is easily offended and will flee even from the fanning of a leaf, as love flees from the first thought. I’m an An-Cap. And when socialists go and kill others, it’s because they are in power. You can infer any data that you like, and you can use it to manipulate them in any way that you choose. Amazes me the cult of personality there is around the Venezuela narrative. A year after assuming office, Costa’s government with a leftist menagerie behind it could flaunt a 13 percent leap in corporate investment. It is not either/or but a continuum of reality. In March you were able to effectively get on both trains simultaneously. Good intentions mean its not murder. The entire point of a (good) government is to minimize violence in society that would naturally exist as a behavioral fact of our species. This is what people are trying to get you to understand. “we are critiquing a decision making system that despite all manner of good intentions keeps ending with a lot of people dying.”. Apparently she didn’t find any “happiness” in her liberalism. And you’re an idiot if you confuse “from each according to their ability to each according to their needs” with Aryan Supremacy/genocide. Funny how often Socialism is vilified by its worst incarnations, but supporters of Capitalism never make their point by showing pictures of homeless encampments, the elderly wasting away in the halls of privately owned nursing homes, or the thousands of people who die every year for want of medical care. Its actual application in the Low Countries was limited until fairly recently, at which point (coincidently? Immediate reductions in public spending, public debt and deficit spending to Danish levels. “Ad hominem! You realize that Scandinavia has put great effort into not being socialist the last decade? It’s sad that I was so surprised to read this seemingly boilerplate libertarian article on a site that is supposed to be ideologically libertarian. Because they are not suckers to our propaganda. ", Matt Welch It's great to be aware that some wont' manipulate, it's also great to know if we have emerging patterns of manipulation from people. Could it be that the people in communist states can’t agree with each other, and their fearless leaders, on abilities and needs? For those who can’t read, they should have to listen to the audio book. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses… The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program… We demand the education at the expense of the state of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery. Generous or stingy? John Stossel “This is because the decision making system itself is flawed”. Maybe the LOP one is the real one and God is done sending messengers, now they are just trolling everyone. Anything he says is suspect. Also, are we including disease pandemics introduced by settlers in the numbers? I give him extra credit for subjecting himself to that in the name of journalism. This comment system is awful. You don’t dip into limited foreign funds and buy food to distribute among them. They are some of the most efficient market economies in the Europe and have nowhere near the expansive state that America has. “Kill them all, God will know his own!” was first said by the mayor of a city that contained a large Cathar population. David Harsanyi Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, One of Psychology’s Most Famous Theories Is Put to the Test. Consider the poster=retarded DU troll boy who Mom let out of his playpen for a sippy cup of juice. For example, some quotes from Heitler's piece: The data support my assertion. But this happened with all nationalities, especially Russians. We give to the people in government the power to do violence so that we can concentrate on being productive. Which wasn’t often enforced. the above more or less sums up what all humans do. They use BPD label to profile, criminalize, draw their own conclusion on with insufficient information, and negate the experiences of abused people at the hands of a manipulator or abuser in particular. My list of priorities includes “protecting borders” and “protecting personal property”. And those were wars conducted and justified by monarchies, not by the Catholic church. There was actually quite an ugly series of wars in China in the early medieval period between the Buddhists and the Taoists. You can lie about it all you want, but reality doesn’t give a a shit what you want to believe. Not when there are a handful of Scandinavian countries operating generous welfare-state programs propped up by underlying vibrant capitalism and natural resources. Just taking the Indian subcontinent, its something on the order of 80 million people killed. Well, communism is basically a religion so it seems fair enough. On it’s worst case, it makes the Emperor Palpatine look like a humanitarian. I’m guessing too fucking stupid to know, even if this shitbag is old enough to know. – popular America’s best pics and videos on the site When dealing with fucking lefty ignoramuses, it is often easier to simply call them what they are rather than attempt any sort of reasoning with fucking lefty ignoramuses. It’s up to them. (2015, February 8). That wasn’t part of Muhammad’s plan – it was Omar I’s, as a way of dealing with the fact that the Arab tribes pretty much immediately fractured and started fighting again the moment Muhammad died. You can’t make any statement without qualifying it three ways from Sunday. You’re literally saying that it would be a better society if there were no crime. The most awful name calling and I am told at least weekly he is divorcing me. So rather than malapropisms of senile parties, why not prefer terms like libertarian and looter that express the concept with no distortion? He comes up with comparably idiotic pronouncements on a regular basis. Thank goodness neither is America’s future. There is (and always has been) some controversy about the murder of Pierre de Castelnau. “The whole point is that socialism is well intended. Has happened to me, and friends. To assist you in getting started, I will provide you with one by “aletheia101” –, “I think America should embrace “socialism.” It’s the most ethical, humane and moral social/economic and political system ever devised. The checks on tyranny of the majority you mention are to be found among the constraints on government. It can even become difficult to rely on one’s own judgment when facts and truths that once seemed easily identifiable are being twisted to work against you. It is consistent. You do realize that no one knows what point you’re trying to make, right? The book will tell you that any number of behaviors/diagnoses could be present with BPD such as NPD and Bipolar depression; probably PTSD as well. Socialism is one ideology, and it is an ideology that explicitly advocates violence and oppression in order to achieve its objectives. 7. Well…left off the chart are the Muslim conquests. The painter may have toiled on the painting for 5 hours for all I care. Mark Zuckerburg has admitted the obvious fact that Facebook targets and uses people's emotions to drive clicks and manipulate them. In saying these things, I’m just repeating to you what the founders said themselves. What I want the government to do is mostly enforce contracts, deliver the mail, and run the military. Manipulators only? Biden's 'Commonsense' Gun Controls Make Little Sense, The Trade War Drove American Automaking Jobs to China as Tariffs Stalled U.S. Exports, Romney and Cotton Want to Punish Businesses With Minimum Wage Hike and More Immigration Paperwork, Cops Arrest Mom Working Evening Shift at Pizza Place for Leaving Kids, Ages 10 and 2, Alone, FBI Arrests Activist Daniel Baker Over Posts About Police Abuse and Self Defense, This Gun Shop Says It Won't Do Business With Biden Voters, CDC's New 'Reopening' Guidance Will Keep Schools Closed in the Fall. State-supported fire, police, K-12 education, parks, etc. Any actual situation can be handled by the algorithm, except that the algorithm cannot have vote-flipping constant in its function as Powell claimed. Wilson was an ally of Washington and Madison at the Federal Convention, and probably also of Franklin. In regard to gendering, there is no doubt that BPD is gendered and looking at the images with your sources, gender bias is clear. Do you ever come to terms with how your actual preferred policies work? If you don’t understand the difference between being liberal and being a communist, you have big problems. Wiki’s source is the World Health Organization in 2015. Shelby 0 books Yeah, and Hitler elevated homosexuals to do his dirty work, and then carted them off to the camps. But it was race and conquest that were always most important to him. These kinds of people don't feel like being comforted on a deeper level but portray their past on you like you're the one who traumatized them. “You’re not merely confused, you’re an a-hole.”. True story. I see why the others grow impatient with your nonsense, Tony. Surely, you can understand that much. Well, we survived the holiday season, but maybe just barely. Men have few family prospects because the industrial jobs require high divorce rates. Good observation. 3. A country going more capitalist has NEVER made that country poorer or worse off. But Stalin did. Because they take a vote before they take all your stuff. A number of commenters here have already conceded that ‘their intentions were good.’, A number of commenters here have already conceded that ‘their intentions were good.’. Wow, I don’t know what to say about your comment Robert. We love the uneducated. I started doing all the housework without being asked, and I was still paying my half od the bills! Did you have a point, or just random bullshit? “In Matthew we are commanded by Jesus to care for the least of those among us. Methinks most people in the USA need a basic civics lesson, as well as a course in political science 101. tzx4|7.27.18 @ 6:54PM|# “Seriously, who here can name any “means of producing and distributing goods ” that are owned by the US government? You mention that the person said: "I wouldn't do that to a family member", implies denied attachment from anyone "deeper than the blood runs". What guarantees that these qualities exist? I “force” them to not initiate force. He showed up last week, has posted lefty bullshit claims as if a claim were an argument and never bothers to respond with anything like a cite. Seriously, man, pick up a history book some time before you sing the praises, as you do, of mass murdering 20th century totalitarian regimes. And scientific socialism is different from the Nordic model of socialism, is different from national socialism. It’s covetousness, theft, and murder. It’s a recipe for increasing inequality by creating a two-class society of makers vs takers, with the takers being further isolated from productive endeavors. Here’s how it goes, imbecile: You invent new ways to claim this sort of “socialism” isn’t really “socialism” and besides, this sort of “socialism” is really different and will really work this time!!!!!!!!! You’re conflating a lot of things. I think, it is normal to get frustrated in this situation, and to think "I wouldn't do that to a family member." If you are old and dealing with common complaints like bad hips, cancer, and so on, you are basically SOL. Shipping whole families from Ukraine to Siberia with no food and not calling this murder because they didn’t receive a bullet in in the head is asinine and the height of sophistry. So you’re still retarded I see. Nowhere does Christianity advocate dispossessing non-Christians, committing violence against them, or oppressing them. It’s simpler than that. You don’t dip into limited foreign funds and buy food to distribute among them. You may of received biased information, making your judgements based on unhealthy or unintelligent people who happen to be Ni; or you could have biased information based on your own close-mindedness and inability to fully grasp the concept an Ni was trying to talk to you about. But why would they be more rich than the people who stayed (who were presumably the ones better off)? Manipulation Sayings and Quotes. Let’s give it a spin.”. and to continue, another, by “city reader” –. I notice how lefties really get upset when someone points out that socialism is murderous. those are ‘idiots’. At Republican rallies racist discomfort motivated the election of a charismatic, strong-man, xenophobic, President who declared that the press in the enemy of the people, dismantled the State Department, appointed cabinet officials who oppose the very purpose of the agencies they oversee, packed Courts, called for a splendid military parade. Skilled abusers and manipulators, particularly men, know how to use the BPD label to discredit their traumatized victims. It’s a required faith for Tony’s worldview. There is no way for Americans or Israelis to not take Russia into account. Exactly what has been done by this "professional" on this supposedly credible platform....yet again. If 70% of black students take nothing but “Critical Race Theory” classes and “Victimhood 101: Finding, Amplifying and Profiting From Grievances”, your good intentions must be aimed at entrenching income disparity. Remember that if you are easily offended, you are easily manipulated. Nowhere does it promise material or personal gains for this. Technology and progress! But if you are presuming to inform and guide us as the most intelligent historian around here (uncontested), I would still suggest - with the utmost respect - that your anger makes you suspect in discussion of some topics. I will admit that a just society requires to some extent not letting the economic elites get away with looting the entire place for themselves. If it came down to a shooting war, they wouldn’t be involved. That said, only 71 percent of those asked were able to properly identify either. In the same way that, as I note in another post above (or below, I don’t remember now), the Spanish were “sort of” motivated by religion in colonizing the New World. And let’s not pretend that today’s kinder, gentler socialists aren’t racist too. Well, sure, that’s true. It would mean more investment freedom, ending renewable energy subsidies. Article? It seems that people are getting offended more easily. Those countries were quite libertarian for much of their existence. “So if you can successfully explain how we achieve your preferred form of society without forcing anyone to do anything”. ^this is exactly the goal, and it’s ambition is universal Global Socialism = Gazi. | I believe the vast majority of New World aboriginals were taken out by disease. Arguing over those is angels on a pin. Underestimating Hitler is something you’d have thought people try to avoid, especially in right wing/ reactionary circles. If you had just bought 100 shares of stock instead, you would have had to put in $3,936 to get back $6,501, a 65% return. Go ahead and throw up your hands when someone shouts SOCIALISM, but your own eyes should show that US health care is being undermined by the GOP. But not _all_ of their problems are by choice – there are also regulations that make housing and other necessities far more expensive. They don’t admit it because they don’t believe it. Stalin did nothing and actively traded grain and bodies for hard currency that the Soviet’s needed to pay for foreign experts to help them reach their great communist utopia. That link just went to the Amazon homepage, for some reason – The Formation of a Persecuting Society by R. I. Moore. If I have paid $10 for a painting, and it took me two hours to earn the 10 bucks, that’s the value of the painting for me. Hayek was skeptical the Swedish model would work in the long run, but that was an empirical claim that time could test. Persons with borderline personality organization may feel deep-rooted and extreme needs for love and acceptance, but find that these needs are perpetually stymied by the typical challenges that relationships present. Again, I’m not interested in reading second hand Sevo comments. I actually lived there for a time, and it was palpable. Under socialisms I can go to post graduate school for free at the Kennedy School of Huge Government and study the Transgender Moment: the next wave of new rights and how to apply them to the workplace and government. Did you bring that strawman all the way from home, or steal; it from someone on the way? You will not be the only, nor the last, but one out of many of these traumatized people's victims. Even if the initial wave, and even if loose, its still a duck, so to speak. I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president. If that’s wrong, then I don’t want to be right! This kind of behavior suggests that manipulators are projecting their own concerns onto the world, finding evidence in it to support their preconceptions, and interpreting it through the lens of their own inner unhappiness. we are Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical products tablet if you are looking for any Pharmaceutical formulation pls visit us. Despite this overt sensitivity to how they are treated, the easily offended don’t like to command certain treatment. It’s very capitalistic (both old and new testament) and I’m happy to have this discussion. Inherent in this statement is the reduction of a complicated situation to black and white, right and wrong; if you don’t agree with the manipulator, you’re automatically unreasonable. You seem obsessed with Sweden. The Vietnamese people seem to still be proud that they won basically a nationalistic crusade to kick out those white people with the colonial ideas, but they are genuinely puzzled why their economy can’t work better! I don’t doubt the yougov poll… we are woefully underinformed as a people. Explain again how “intent” is important to using the word “murder.”, The whole point is that socialism is well intended. It's true that I could have chosen different words there, to avoid such implications. Damn that was good. There are advantages to the public realm. ?That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare. Yes, the English and the French fled religious persecution in Europe, and that’s why they came to the US. So pretty much everything except libertarianism is authoritarian socialism?which is nonsense. I do wish the author had included a few more of the problems of the so-called socialist successes of Scandinavia, though I know that was not his main focus. socialism (s??sh?-l?z??m)? I did read “The Kindly Ones,” however, a novel about the antics of a homosexual SS officer. It should be immensely obvious the 1/6 Capitol storming was an anomaly and we've been far … I feel offended and I will give you a big NO to your vision of a so-called truth. You send diplomats, they kill your diplomats, so then you send an armed force to handle diplomacy their own way…? You hear people say it all the time. Of course not! But you cannot know it, feel its unfeeling touch, until you pause in your busy-ness, are still and poised and empty of your wanting and desiring. Why Are We Socialists? Even the Missions were sent out as a means of cultural conquest only when outright military conquest failed. In the first place it has seldom been tried (monarchs almost always need the military support of SOMEBODY,and that somebody is unlikely to ceded all power) so that awful examples aren’t widely available. The King of France saw the Count of Toulouse and the King of Aragon (Pedro) as primary rivals, and Aragon would today possibly still be an important European country (instead of France) if not for the King of France’s zeal in pursuing the crusade against the Cathars long after Innocent had died. Object Play and High Protein Food Reduce Predation by Cats, My husband is like that -- I want divorce, 5 Reasons You Should Never Stop Daydreaming. Or….it’s the democratic will of people to live in a society like Norway, etc. Its downright heroic. tzx4, you are so right. There is real ignorance in the U.S. about subsidized healthcare a being a government plot. And of course you want to be the one to figure out what that ceiling is, right? Nazis just added in Nationalism and racism to their Socialist agenda. The Minds Journal on Instagram: “Remember that if you're easily offended, you are easily manipulated. Well, go ahead, it's better than paying the MSRP. "If you are easily offended, you're easily manipulated." So I think that leaves them out of the equation. He back tracked on a number of decisions throughout the period of famine as the magnitude of the suffering became clear to him finally. But the famines didn’t go down like that. Yes; 2020 vision: Bernie. I think he’s compiling a book of internet humor. Actually, I don’t give a shit. The EU’s single market rules make nationalisation of industries in Denmark extremely difficult. To help shine a light on how this happens, I’ve compiled a (partial) list of manipulation techniques used by people who treat their partners this way. We didn’t see her day after day after day during her 2016 run. You’re quite the angry little, boy, sevo. Within acouple generations, black slaves from Africa outnumbered white settler types. There might be other explaination, but I wonder if they just don't care about my own welfare, and would have easily accepted a negative outcome. This is driving family break down and other issues. On learning of the terrible famine in the early thirties in places like Kazhakstan and Ukraine, Stalin actually reversed himself a number of times on such issues as buying foreign grain, releasing domestic reserves and similar measures that undoubtedly saved lives. The window was short, but I’m sure a number of people deceased during that time, and their estate had to go back and amend returns, so we have an unanswered question: what ward/precinct did the dead belong to, and who were their representatives in congress? Politics is about figuring out where the floor and ceiling should be. So I’m disagreeing 1) that these conflicts you are pointing to are accurately characterized as “religious,” 2) that there’s some common teleology to “Muslim Conquests,” and 3) that the Crusades can accurately be described as a “reaction to Muslim Conquests,” in which you seem to want to see religion as a primary cause of war and death, but you want to exempt Christianity from that and only blame it on Muslims. Ten Republicans crossed party lines on Wednesday to vote for a second Trump impeachment. The scope of possible state interference in markets goes way beyond this and that’s why in my opinion the economic freedom index is so helpful. Yes, and collectivizing agriculture requires “dispossessing” the people who owned those lands previously, and once “dispossessed”, they starve. You May Not Even Know It. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. The idea that Stalin set out and planned the murders is not supported by the facts. Assault: the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action. I wonder if he doesn’t like to hang his hat on just one hook, given his experience of being professionally marginalized at a certain network years ago… for making too much sense while appealing to the public. What the response to you was: that you think that distinction is the most important thing is itself symptomatic of what is wrong with socialism. Wrong. It works in scandanavia because the entire regions population is about equal to nyc and los Angeles combined. Unrelated concepts may be brought into an argument to support it, in ways that are confusing or destabilizing. Go read Bastiat’s “The Law”. The result is still a bunch of murdered Jews. The author completely misunderstands the meaning of socialism (that the state provides public goods) and confuses it with communism (that the state owns the means of production).”. But Stalin did. The Nazis called themselves “Socialist” as a way to trick real socialists into joining their party. She and her ilk are one or the other. In this article I had intended only to indicate that some -- not all -- manipulative behavior emerges from BPD. Numbers are way off. Nearly a third of the German population died during the 30 Years War. It’s free because they don’t actually deliver. Done with this bullshit. What’s really bizarre is that Socialists want more spending but simultaneously advocate policies that would reduce the revenue needed for that spending. With legitimate elections, if the popular vote mattered, we would have that. I also wish there were a group email address — “Millennials” — to hit “send” to, so the mass of those pretty-thinking folks could get a glimpse. You should have RTFA before making an ass of yourself. Hudson Bay Company. But, that aside, it is true that Pope Innocent had a particular war boner about the Cathars, largely due to their belief that a “saintly” individual could perform sacraments without being ordained (with obvious implications for whether or not you need the Church). All the current Rightist screams of “socialism” are just plain irrelevant if they can’t even use the work socialism by its dictionary definition.”. It’s the endgame of socialism. Shorter Tony: “It’s only socialism when it works the way I want it to.”. Literally and figuratively, I'm not buying it. Robert Crim|7.27.18 @ 11:48PM|# “Actually, the average Chinaman today makes about 17 times what he made only 25 years ago. Hayek’s Road to Serfdom ought to be required reading for all high school seniors. Being a male studying female yogis is a hobby, son. He knows a bunch of Political Class narratives that he’s gullible enough to believe.
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if you are easily offended you are easily manipulated quote 2021