The good effects include, among other things, improved health, employment, increased earnings, the material success of children, even the remedying of poverty. Let the Nations Be Glad! The Desiring God RSS Feed ... the magistrate to marriage, marriage to the church, the church to sacraments. If I am commanded to believe the gospel, is faith something I create, or is it a gift of God? And I have prayed that, even though it feels hopeless, it won’t be hopeless. And then, just about five verses later, he puts the twist on it: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” — that is a quote from Genesis 2:24. Learn more at I am a psychologist who specializes in marriage rescue for couples facing marital problems. In other words, for the sake of all these beneficial practical effects, we should not focus on them. He says, “Can a hard marriage model Christ, or only easier ones?” Well, the answer to that is easy. I am ever thankful. Future Grace A Hunger for God. Don’t all of us bear the scars of some past failure that we wish we could undo? marriage? It’s a tragic sign that a tsunami of pain is coming when a civilization begins tinkering with its conception of marriage. The joy of the Lord is something you can have regardless of conditions. A Godward Life. Critical Race Theory, Part 2: The Root Problem (Special Episode) Critical race theory is a divisive topic among many Christians today. The Pleasures of God. God’s providence not only governs all things, but it gives us hope in our suffering. Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. If it involves a season for extra attention and conscientiousness and investment, to deepen the roots, or to heal — and so to better reflect Jesus and his bride — that can be a Godsend. That is what is new about the new covenant over the old covenant. That is what is new and radical in the ideal that Jesus has lifted up to model the new covenant. Christ’s all-satisfying worth is displayed when we find him sufficient to meet every need so that we have grace to return good for evil to our estranged spouse or children or parents or whoever has made life so hard. And one of those ways is how he or she treats people in that horrific process of dissolution. My marriage has suffered much due to me neglecting my wife in many ways over the past 22 years of our marriage. Marriage holds unparalleled societal sway in benefitting the poor, minorities, and children. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Let me read the text that he is assuming; namely. Yes. And if it looks like there has been complete failure in regard to marriage, God can yet so transform you that, in the ruins of it, he gets glory. An amazing trading platform, quick withdrawal I have been using this platform together with the most recommended forex strategy on the internet from Susan Andrea and so far I have no complaints making $7000-$15000 on a weekly basis she is great and I am thankful I was lucky enough to have met her. The apostle Paul had been a murderer of Christians and, therefore, lived all his life with the painful consciousness that he was the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:13, 15). For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Marriage is an extraordinary reality, which bears extraordinary fruit not only in the church, but also in society. You’ve heard of the necessity of forgiveness, of keeping short accounts, of the centrality of forbearance. It depends on what kind of focusing you’re doing. Most fundamentally, marriage is not a convenient matchup of vocations, hobbies, and interests, but a covenant that displays the love Jesus has for his church. Treasuring Christ is more important than bearing children. God didn’t create marriage to be the center of our life’s universe, but his uncreated Son. It may have many bright days, or it may be covered with clouds. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. My question is this: How is marriage, like mine, which is so hard to pull off, a model of Christ’s covenant love for his church? Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Trouble comes when we focus on our marriages as the great remedy to society’s troubles, rather than the grace of the Bridegroom to whom marriage points. Until this order is vivid and valued—until it is seen and savored—marriage will not be experienced as a revelation of Hard, hard marriages that persevere in faithfulness, year in and year out, against all odds, tell a great truth about Christ and his church. If we make secondary things primary, we will be embittered at the sorrows we must face. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. This Momentary Marriage is now available in a newly designed paperback, as well as the previous cover in hardback. Make the practical effects central, and you lose both. Desiring God is a book devoted to helping readers find their happiness in God. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. We can trust that our all-good God will turn every sorrow to joy. In This Momentary Marriage (newly available in paperback from Crossway), John Piper acknowledges that he leaves much unsaid about the good effects of marriage. Happily Ever After: Finding Grace in the Messes of Marriage by God, Desiring at - ISBN 10: 1941114237 - ISBN 13: 9781941114230 - Desiring God - 2017 - Softcover God's happiness, in fact (Chapter 1, `The Happiness of God. But there’s a design in this. “Dear Pastor John, I have been following your podcast ‘religiously’ for the past 6 months. David Mathis is executive editor for and pastor at. A believer whose marriage is destroyed and no longer presents a parable of covenant love, that believer can show the worth of Christ in dozens of other ways that God has appointed. Desiring God The Dangerous Duty of Delight. You know I came near to destroying my marriage 35 years ago, and God worked through those problems to show us His grace, His love – indeed, to show us what marriage truly is. It is a momentary gift. Somewhere on that upswing is where I wish we could stay, where But if we set our face to make of marriage mainly what God designed it to be, no sorrows and no calamities can stand in our way. But they are not first, and they are not guaranteed. It still gets him. But there’s another kind of focusing on your marriage — and in particular, the good effects of marriage — that can actually rob marriage of its God-designed, world-transforming power. I wake up many mornings despairing that my marriage is beyond repair and I struggle to rejoice in the new mercies that the new morning is bringing to me. Marriage problems need fixing, not ignoring.. Pierced by the Word ... recognizing few problem areas in our marriage—in other words, according to the “experts,” fairly unreliable. In a special episode, Pastor John explains the theory’s goals, assumptions, and root problem. That was the life God redeemed and in which, not just after which, in which — the painful ruins in which — Paul would glorify him all his remaining days. Dr. Piper carefully builds his case for this concept and calls it Christian hedonism. Not necessarily. Matthew 18:15–16 demands open, honest communication that deals with hurts and frustrations caused by sin. A couple of weeks ago someone forwarded to me a post from Desiring God that hit me like a punch in the stomach. is ultimate, and marriage is not. We can trust that our all-good God will turn every sorrow to joy. Marriage exists to magnify the truth and worth and beau-ty and greatness of God; God does not exist to magnify mar-riage. This is the way life is designed by God to work. God’s providence not only governs all things, but it gives us hope in our suffering. Future Grace A Hunger for God. Whether a marriage is easy or hard is not what undermines the testimony to the world about Christ and his church. Therefore, for the sake of these good effects of marriage, let it be heralded with joy that there are reasons for marriage that are vastly more important. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word. We’re on a mission to change that. Marriage is no mere means to a fruitful society. If I am commanded to believe the gospel, is faith something I create, or is it a gift of God. Having done so, the author turns earnestly to the matter of happiness. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Every one of them will be, not an obstacle to success, but a way to succeed. If we make secondary things primary, they cease to be secondary and become idolatrous. That is what is different. Pierced by the Word ... recognizing few problem areas in our marriage—in other words, according to the “experts,” fairly unreliable. Intellectual Intimacy. Either way, it is short. continued to perpetuate his decline in discernment as he extended an invitation to Rick Warren (2010) and Louie Giglio (2011) to be speakers at his Desiring God National Conferences as well. Pastor John offers six ways to cultivate godly desire. The third type of intimacy is intellectual intimacy. Being united to Christ by faith is a greater source of marital success than perfect sex and double-income prosperity. We can’t. Focusing on the pragmatic effects of marriage undermines the very power of marriage to achieve the effects we desire. God is the most important Reality; marriage is less important—far less important, infi-nitely less important. Buy Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist New edition by John Piper (ISBN: 9781844740444) from Amazon's Book Store. He means for us to have our crucified and risen Bridegroom at the center, and for the weight of his person and work to keep the planet of marriage — of great size in terms of planets, but dwarfed by the sun — in its proper orbit in his life-sustaining gravitational field. Now, I would go a step further. Ephesians 5:22–26 about marriage as the picture or the model of Christ and the church that he is concerned about. Let the Nations Be Glad! Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. A believer whose marriage is destroyed and no longer presents a parable of covenant love, that believer can show the worth of Christ in dozens of other ways that God has appointed. That is my prayer. I want the poor to rise into joyful, self-sustaining, productive work and stable households. . Knowing Christ is more important than making a living. Desiring God The Dangerous Duty of Delight. The beauty of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and his church shines brightest when nothing but Christ can sustain it. Marriage is not mainly about prospering economically; it is mainly about displaying the covenant-keeping love between Christ and his church. Start making a list of the fruit, and it seems the pragmatic effects of strong marriages are inexhaustible. You can hear it in his old age. He means for us to have our crucified and risen Bridegroom at the center, and for the weight of his person and work to keep the planet of marriage — of great size in terms of planets, but dwarfed by the sun — in its proper orbit in his life-sustaining gravitational field. But a danger lurks. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Rather than seeing the goal of a new marriage as the accumulation of things, couples need to build a strong team relationship and seek God first.
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