It was advertised as having a permanent red light on the dash. Well it did. Hope that this beekeeper has been able to assist you. There was a slight tapping noise that I picked up and I pulled the seller over to ask him if he knew what that noise was. I've left this for last because in many ways it's the most important of all. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. – Other basic materials such as fold-away rain coats, sleeping bags etc. You might want to be more respectful. She doesn’t know what items she needs so she asked someone to send her a list by making the request on the comments section of a random blog article. Victoria Most of the comments about the old guy are pretty lame and immature, to say the least. I have extracted honey that is dark brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answer: No unless you were very sure you were going to get more than 10% profit. If ever your honey does crystallize- Luke warm water is best around container. He operated out of a cheap strip mall office and ran over-the-top late night TV commercials advising potential clients that they'd "Better Call Saul" when in trouble with … It is a good idea to get to know a friendly, athletic neighbour and let him know that when a disaster strikes, you’d appreciate it if he remembers to come help you out and not to leave you behind. Good for you! If after a heavy stop it feels as though it's going a little sideways, this could indicate worn pads—easy to replace—or perhaps a worn shock absorber—not too terribly expensive to replace. God Bless us all and protect us, And Frank go for the sensible and not the laugh next time. Plus there is thousands of games you can play with cards. His wife couldn't drive and they were relying on their daughter now for everything. If they need replacing, ask the owner to deduct that cost from the sale price. Cry baby, thts pretty rude, i understand but not every old person is senile, some are very active and fit, my g-ma walks everyday and goes to the gym and stuff and actually goes hunting and she’s 82… i think she will make it in a survival situation for a while. At 71, I can tell you I wasn’t born until in the 40s, meaning I didn’t live through the depression. Tasty. I buy 5 gallon buckets of it (for resale, but I could use it too). Public auction deals are typically far better than personal party sale bargains, because public auction residences deal on volume and also sellers usually do not care regarding getting top dollar. After a few months of seeing this you also start seeing a little deterioration appearing. Now here's where you can save a lot of money by cleaning and detailing this newly bought car yourself. Baby formula is expensive BUT it can be vital for a child, its usable nutritionally for everyone and before the shelf life expires a person could choose to donate it to rotate the stock. Below is a twelve-item checklist of potential mechanical issues you must investigate for any car you are thinking of buying. Also electrolyte enhanced water will be good for general health I have a Springfield m1a w/several mags & a Springfield xd45. His mouth will makehim the ccasualty. canned baked beans, pinto beans any kind of beans for protein. Larie – have you looked into Freeze Dried Food? But have a look online for dealer licenses they're not that hard to get. Have a day. It can also distort the colours too. Try to find others in your area that live close that you can trust like church. I would also add pepper spray. Larie, keep strong, and ignore idiots like frank. So go carefully and think smart. Here's a tip. The sooner you get your present flip off your hands, the sooner you can start the following flip-- or make use of the profits to pad your personal savings.In many locations, one of the most "flippable" cars and trucks are low-mileage, reliable sedans, wagons, and also small SUVs from mass-market makes, such as Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, and Honda. It gives the impression of a new car. Well, you've got to walk into a small time dealer and tell him you're selling a car privately and if a sale comes about, would it be possible for them to finance it. In a snowy, mountainous location, you'll have lots of four-wheel-drive cars to select from-- and great deals of buyers going to pay good cash for them. Does it look better or the same as the paint next to it? Also, don't polish the car all in one go. Words come out like, 'Hmn the market's very slow for cars like yours right now, we could only offer you....' And believe me whatever that figure is, it's a shock. Having a quick look around I could see he was quite a well off man and had a fairly new Range Rover parked in the driveway too. Everyone avoids a dirty car because they think it's an old wreck. Man, I am enjoying the lash out against Frank more than the article. "Make certain you recognise with your potential buyers' wants as well as needs before you buy an automobile because that will certainly be tough to sell," says Tristan Jones, proprietor of Phoenix-based Mobile Vehicle Dr. Four months later when no payments for the vehicles were received by the loan company, they went out looking for the cars. you can get a lot in a small space. really??? Let the car idle for ten minutes and check the water temperature gauge on the dashboard. Best of luke to all. Question: How do I start the business of selling a car when I have nothing to start with? Powerful, noisy, smelly, rattly. Buying a cheap car through these sources requires a little luck and a little pushiness. To the rest of us it’s an annoying display of stupidity and social non-function. They have not done so. ND if bullets aren’t available, we have professional sling shots. The pygmies call us long pork for a reason. Another item that I consider essential is the book Cancer-Free by Bill Henderson. On Craigslist, you have the choice to post to a confidential messaging system. 68 yr old grandma, living alone. You probably work for 73 today, you should be careful you ignorant douche! Have the VIN number ready. Second, there is a book called “herbal remedies” that I just love that if very informative. Shame on you for that. Translation: Obtaining less than you want for your flip is tough; having a flip that you can't offload is much worse. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. Since reaching adult hood I have worked 72-96 hours a week, and sir I wasn’t sitting in a damn office. Apply more and more pressure as you gain confidence with them. If you're publishing on Craigslist, take pictures of the car from all four directions, taking care to obscure the license plate and any other identifying information. ; Yep, we will keeping on keeping on while the try to figure out a way to get online with no electricity. One last job: Open all the doors, the trunk, and the hood. These can easily be photoshopped. There are some makes, like Volvos of this era, that share transmissions with other manufacturers. Store ( raw * organic ) honey in opaque plastic bottles…above 50 degrees and it shouldn’t crystallize. Well the first person to answer the door referred me to Bob in the house two doors down.I knocked on Bob's house and Bob's wife answered. As a father of 3 small children, I have always tried to protect and provide for all their immediate and future necessities. Apparently you have not found the wisdom, and tenaciousness of our older folks. There's also Kelleys Blue Book which is an app you can download onto your phone and use instantly to price vehicles. I’ve stood in the long, slow, lines at Walmart, watching desparate people rushing around, grabbing whatever they could to fill their carts. It might be, but it could also have belonged to an older person who left it outside under the trees and couldn't be bothered to clean it. What mr frank must know is she has one of the very best prepping item and its free life has given it to her and its called knowledge. Either that or he really is jerk. Do they need the money? Whatever car you're selling, you're likely to be flicking it off 20% less than a dealer's retail price. How very kindly you choose your words Frank, we all appreciate that crap in this forum. He can supply us with that much needed sustenance that we are all going to need to continue the fight. Do you want me to publish it on this site. Wow Frank, is your head up your ass for the warmth? He threatens to slit peoples throats and you all pat him on the back for being a old guy? Or should I send it to this site and they can send it to you? My father-in-law would have a rough time already without my wife around. Try getting over yourself and please don’t make the mistake of getting in our way you may get the surprise of your life. Question: Do you need to be concerned about smogging a vehicle? I’ve been putting together go bags and survival kits for years and most people tend to forget these items. some almost black! We need to prepare for anything. If people want to piss and moan, go back to Facebook. The seller has to sell quickly due to debt or illness. Hard Grains: Stored properly hard grains have a shelf life of around 10 – 12 years. Power in numbers. Talk to my family like that in front of me and you may end up a casualty yourself. To Frank: Frank, judging from your insensitive and age degrading comments, I suspect you are fairly young and trying hard (too hard) to be funny. I have a 93 year old neighbor that still gets out and farms, hunts, and does yardwork and I am sure he is healthier than 50% of people half his age. A large chunk of money has to be transferred. Answer: If the vehicle smokes when warm walk away. Every household should have a copy of this book, and read it now. Getting the owners ID is crucial to all the next steps before any car flipping can take place. Get someone to step on the gas a few times and give it some hard revs while you stand at the back checking the exhaust. Once the polish is dry it's difficult to get off, so, do one side of the roof, then polish off, then the other side, then do one complete door, then another, then half the hood, then the other side. Just remember karma will come for you. a refrigeration type vacuum pump will pull a vacuum so low that it will cause water to boil at room temperature. Get someone to rev it up halfway and listen again. Once out of traffic it was fine, but clearly the car just wasn't saleable in that condition. You are rude and uncouth. If you're not a licensed dealer, public auctions most likely offer the most bang for your buck. An additional item to include, if you consider storing and growing flint corn is lime. Remember that this car may have been their baby, their pride and joy. I would strongly consider suicide or even mercy killing if I could no longer protect myself or in the latter case my( wife and children.) Meant to say getting OUR bug out bags ready! Now that it has dried, does it look a little faded? They pulled that stuff out of a pyramid, rehydrated it, and it was fine, lol. I think for people our age the best & most convienent food to store is the prepared food from places like laire some of the important thing you may need is extra medications vitamins and plenty of water,sun screen and manuals on fire starting,canning and food storage. Don’t go throwing out blanket claims that old people are really the most valuable because they have skills that young people dont. When it comes to surviving, you better grab onto ever old person you can get your hands on, because they have the knowledge base that is going to keep you alive, besides having the financial resources to put away arms and 50K+ stores of amminition and food stores. The Government is supposed to protect us. Sort through Ebay and Craigslist until you figure out the average price that the vehicle is selling for. i know a 76yr old man that can run circles around all of 30 yr 36 raised by granparents that were born in 1917-20…us young people cant even b water boys for the old generation…i hunt,fish,raise garden,can an freeze food,heat with would,shoot bows n guns……until us younger generation go thru what the older generation did we can b asa I asked him how much and he came up with a price far too high. It turned out to be the crankshaft sensor. In fact, I myself can say I inherited some of my mom’s fear of financial insecurity, especially with the instability in politics. I can sleep on the snow in the rain, eat spotted owl, I can pick and shovel too, I can do most anything you want me to…. We will not teach you how to survive, but dont get in our way or else you will become bird food. You’ve gotta be one of those douchebags who like to stir shit up and piss people off. The bad people are getting protected and the good people are suffering. I would suggest everyone pickup “Open Pollinated, Heirloom seed” packed in Mylar. Might be grass clippings from the next door neighbor cutting his lawn and sticking to the side, or, a tire getting flatter. They drive them very slowly, have a foot on the brake at all times ( brake pads can be very worn) and only drive them for short distances. It's possible the crash may just have been a low-speed supermarket parking lot accident and nothing to worry about. Some of them: • Buffered vitamin C (do keep coo; away from heat & light) Toys for 8 year olds should be intriguing and involve cool stuff. There are two ways to get around such a restriction. Not likely. FRANK- list includes: They have to return it full. 3) Once you have his ID get the owner to pass over the VIN number of the car. All those who believe people in their 70s lived through the “depression” need to read history books or at least google it. There are very good illustrations and simple but fairly complete instructions. I am sure Frank is trying to be light hearted and funny. You don't come face to face with the buyer and there's no come back. If spots are still lingering then get a hard toothbrush, spray those areas again and start working away at them while the degreaser is still wet. – Basic survival tools such as fire-starters, weapons (knives) etc, fishing line etc. Ms.Larie do pay no mind to him, just get yourself ready. Remember, your not the biggest baddest meanest out there princess. You have to over look Frank he doesn’t know any better He won’t learn until he messes with the wrong older person and they blow his head off. Going online with the right search terms (for example: "how to remove a radiator from a Honda Accord") will quickly tell you if you are capable of doing the repair or not, what tools you'll need, and how much it's likely to cost. one thing we keep in small airplanes in alaska ; is dried dog food,sealed with o2 bags (dog cookies taste better).. yes i have had to eat dog food when stuck in the bush…In our boats & planes we keep traps & clear plastic which can be used as shelter or water catchment system. While you're inside, get the window spray and clean the windows. Not replacing them can result in them breaking and causing catastrophic engine damage. I even sounds ridiculous, so I don’t see how anyone could think that would be the case. (Supplier public auctions, which have fewer buyers as well as potentially much better deals, are open only to certified dealers.) If you put the polish on an area and then take the polish off, and the result is no different from the faded paint next to it, then you're going to have to use the cutting polish first before your final polish. Thank you ,Jerry,I am up in age also but I can still walk 25 miles a day and hunt and bag enough food in one day to feed a few survivors. its so likely that even Hollywood movies portray this time and time again. buy the basics first, then keep adding to them. Processed honey has been pasteurized and most of the good stuff is removed during the process. You are likely only interested in the car because it's advertised cheap. I'll never sell an unsafe car to anyone. The only positive about Frank’s comment is to see the kind outpouring of responses from other people. What am I going to do when my computer goes dead? very well said!! So, I bought the car and took it home. Keep good records of every transaction, including repairs or parts bought. You can find the VIN in the following places: It's sometimes difficult to tell, but once you start knowing your cars you may be able to spot a few things: You can use all your concerns about the car's history to drive the price down. I can tell you from my own experience that when you involve others, they’ll want a piece of the pie. Walk away. I am storing rice, pasta, tomatoes, broth,canned vegetables, canned potatoes, tuna and chicken in the can. I couldn’t believe what I just read… She maybe a little on the older side but I bet she will be more prepared than you will be, as she grew up in a time when nothing was available. Do you have a printer? It's easy, once you've met the seller face-to-face, to work out the reason for the sale. I suppose you just have to take what helps and leave the rest. So, when someone wanted to buy a door, they got exactly that, just the door. Some people can’t read. These cars may have been abandoned for some particular reason, and the reason could be useful to you. Pick a cool or cloudy day to do this, or do it in a carport where the body of the car won't get too hot. If various other prospective buyers desire the vehicle much more, let them have it. Now, I’ve heard Obama talk about “the chaotic climate” and how it will affect our national security. Our family is as prepared as possible and I’m very busy helping others get prepped too. can you send one?thank you. If the dealer's had a bad day and he suspects you're depriving business from him by flipping cars, if you're doing this without a License, and over your State quota, he may very well dob you in. This year I will make sure I put it all in jars at once! If you're not satisfied with the answer, walk away. Go down to your closest car store that stocks car cleaning gear and buy the following: Once you have everything on the list you'll have all you need to totally clean a car. Stay unemotional: The quickest method to ruin your margins is to enter into a bidding war that presses the sale price past your top dollar. Photos of the car were excellent, the service history was good, the owner seemed nice, and the price was ridiculously cheap because as he said, it was his wife's car and she had just had a stroke and couldn't drive it any longer. That will be their ultimate buying level. I, myself, can see many personality traits of my father and mother, who were born 1933, and 1939, approaching life with values they learned from their parents. Comfort foods can be a huge morale booster during a stressful survival situation, something that needs to be kept in mind when starting to stockpile food. I don’t know about you, but, I’m preparing now. Lets see any of you kids do that. I told her my story and next thing I've been asked inside and we're all having a soda in the kitchen. A timing belt drives the camshaft(s). Light-colored oil means a recent oil change, and suggests the owner services the car regularly. Do they sell them? Turo take 30% of that. There are too many lists to list, but make sure your list includes Iodized salt and vitamins. She clearly is lucky to have been able to read the keyboard well enough to type. I am memorizing that one…love it. The car arrived and I found a few little issues—he hadn't photographed the missing clear coat on the roof, which looked pretty ugly, and it was messier inside than what the photos had shown. With a transaction like this, complete the deal as fast as you can. urban survival and rural survival are not the same. When you drive it on a straight road, the steering wheel should not be at an angle. "I'm buying this as a gift for my mother so I just don't want her burdened with the expense of a major mechanical repair. However, I do agree that a 73 year old woman would have a hard time surviving without help from ‘young bucks’ so you had the right idea but really not a cool way to talk to an old lady bro. If your investigation reveals concerns you don't know how to resolve, you can walk away, or you can raise your concerns with the seller as a way of driving down the price. I went for the replacement motor, which I didn't have too much difficulty finding, but of course that comes with it's own risk that it could have a similar problem. Apple Cider Vinegar – Cleaning, cooking and has antibiotic properties. I do a log of dehydrating. A) My advice is to stay away from European cars such as Audi's and Mercedes. On the subject of what to pay and what to sell a car for, I tend these days to stick to under $5000 for purchasing and don't sell for over $7000. Hope this is a good start for you. The sides are unlikely to even need cutting polish. Thus, the American Muscle Car was born. When you cruise around you just get a feeling for cars that never move. Shame on you. Unless you've got a lot of spare cash, and I'm gathering you don't if you've got this far down the article, as you want to learn how to flip a car, then you're going to have to get finance elsewhere. Im 69 & have been thinking about survival. signed klu klux kanevel, we would love to have you with us we dont have kids but our family’s do older folks are the teacher of the young and are needed more than you will ever know i have a lot of grand old folks but more is good thay do garden work and tend the flocks of sheep and goats as well as get the eggs and watch kids win we plow or have to go out ware its to dangerous to take them as well as just plane know stuff. Check for any signs that they might have been filled with glass fiber. Because it’s adulterated with other sugars, it’s not going to store as well as real honey. If you're posting on a board around town, offer at least one high-quality image. That would be nasty. You get a lot of grease and muck off the wheels which can get transposed to the body if you just use the one. Financing a car when flipping a car can be a brilliant and fast way to flick it off. When the game are all gone, our stores of supplies are gone, and we are all in a position that we are starving, he can serve a purpose. Cleaning a hot car is hard work. YOU WILL DIE. Get him to send photographic proof of the VIN numbers (there can be a third one on the engine block). Can only be truthful - so, for example, two weeks. And just to add insult to your ignorance…. Also chocolate bars. Question: Does the year matter when buying a vehicle? There are lots of printable “lists” around online. If stored properly they will probably last indefinitely. I’ll use the extra tiny grunt to keep my Bible, plus have a machete swinging grandma. All the people who put up with his idiocy now will write him off immediately. But if you can buy cheaply enough than just roll with the 9%. I’m 55 and much wiser than I was 10-20-30 years ago. Pray that the lord does not tarry in these times. Look out for people that seem to be buying at every auction and if you spot them, follow them to see what they're doing. So if you hit a home run with a genuinely cheap car then if you've done your resale research, you'll know what price to sell it for. Q) The difference between Dealer auctions and Public auctions. Frank, you’re an ignorant man whose life is a meaningless pit, wasting good air that Mrs. Hall could use. Leave the sales-y, hostile language to the professional dealers—they have sufficient credulous customers to keep them busy. The way to do this is by auction. If it's a performance car it may have been "chipped" which means the computer has been tampered with to give it greater horsepower. Start on the roof and work your way down. So I had to make my own assumption on what it was and went for a tappet adjustment. Watch how newbies pay far too much for a car through excitement and watch how the experienced are completely unemotional when bidding. Polish all the exposed areas along the sides that will be dirty, including the door jambs. Don't let the spray dry on the window or it will make it hazy. I’m 56 and consider myself fairly healthy but I’m not in the best health either. Back to the van. All my fault. oops, shes 92, 93 this month, LOL, see and she has to call and remind me what I need, !! Of course this is likely to cost several hundred dollars but if you're making $1000 or more per sale, well you're still ahead of the game. From panicked people trying to stock up on last-minute supplies to those who failed to prepare for even short-term disasters and now find themselves facing the prospect of starving, your local grocery store is going to look like a battleground in a post-apocalyptic movie. But extra clothes, blankets and seal it. There are solar radio/flashlights out there. There will be plenty more to bid on, no doubt. Next come back with the garden hose and with a good pressure spray all that soapy water off he wheels and tires. I'd already calculated a price in my head that allowed me to make a quick $3k profit. Unfortunately he has come across as pretty silly. In summery environments, you'll likely clean up with convertibles.Watch out for "curveball" cars and trucks with unusual features that might seem attractive. Everyone has a use and an elder would have much life experience to pass down. Just like to correct you on your quote “powdered milk (good for the bones)”. Larie: You are a heartless, cruel person. Lentils. Take a good look to see if the paint is smooth or what's known as 'orange peel.' Be wary when buying cars at auctions yourself. All those things they do, driving short distances, barely having enough time to warm the car up, not revving the car out, result in condensation (water in the exhaust system). Also, if you're testing the car out your ear is attuned to so many different sounds and noises that you know you've got to check out, that you miss this particular one. Also I separated as much as I could to get as much value as I could. Check around the web and see what works for you. People are here to see what is needed and to make sure they haven’t forgotten something that could keep one alive when it hits the fan. You make it sound like they knew how to support a family of 4. I always thought preppers were conservative, but I guess they’re more like liberals…”say whatever you want as long as I agree”.
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